Emily Abendroth is the author of the poetry collection ]Exclosures[ and The Instead, a book-length collaborative conversation with fiction writer Miranda Mellis. Her newest book Sousveillance Pageant (which coasts restlessly between poetry, novel, and research essay) was published by Radiator Press in Spring 2021. She has also released chapbooks with Albion Press, Belladonna, Little Red Leaves, TapRoot Editions, and Horse Less Press. She has been awarded residencies at the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, the Nebraska Art Farm, and the Headlands Center for the Arts. In 2013, she was named a Pew Fellow in Poetry. She is a founding member of the Coalition to Abolish Death By Incarceration, as well as the LifeLines: Voices Against the Other Death Penalty Project.

You can reach her at e.e.abendroth at gmail dot com.